Monday, September 10, 2012

We're tired tonight. We drove 100's of miles in WY. & Montana.
But it was beautiful , even though it was brown from the drought.
We saw a 5000 acre fire as we passed Casper ,WY.

Devil's Tower

Fran & the devil

some of the brown fields

Little Bighorn National Park
the small marker is where Gen. Custer died.

grave markers where the soldiers fell.. They reburied them under the
big marker.

I thought Wilson would like to see this

the lobby of our  hotel

                                           We are in Livingston Montana.  we'll probably spend tomorrow
                                            here & then head to Glacier NP.


  1. We are really enjoying all of your updates. It looks like some of my comments never made it through, sorry :( Looks like you guys are making great progress!

    1. They caught up with us. Thanks. we're having a wonderful time.

  2. It seems like your trip is going really fast! I hope you're having fun :)
