Saturday, September 22, 2012

We made it to Hoover Dam !

                                                           bridge over the Dam.
                                                         Hoover Dam. the water is really low

                                                                    Lake Mead
                                                 those pesty  tourist , always gawking !

                                                    views  from  the bridge
                                            Okay Clay, here's proof that we went to Las Vegas

                                             We had a great day , went to Route 66 museum 
                                             then to Hoover & Vegas.  We wanted to go to the
                                             skywalk over grand canyon but it cost $100.00.
                                              Tomorrow we head for Albuquerque, NM

                                             We're probably the only people to go to Vegas 
                                              and not get out of our car.  

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures, Mom! Did you guys go on a tour of the dam? It stinks that the sky walk cost so much. If you had been in Vegas at night you could have seen the fountain show. That's one of the few things I want to do if I ever go to Vegas :)
